Kävimme tänään Teuvon kanssa kuvausreissulla Reposaaressa. Itse etsin sopivia kuvakulmia tuleviin merimaalauksiini. Today we went to take some pictures in Reposaari with Teuvo. I looked for a good angles for my future seapaintings |
Laitoin nähtäväksi kolme vanhempaa merimaalausta. Tuntuu uusien maalausten valmistuminen vielä kestävän. I uploaded three older seapaintings. It seems to take some time to finish the new ones. |
oh wonderfull picture, I like especial the first one, you have faund a wonderfull palce
VastaaPoistaThank you for your comment on my blog could you translate from Finnish to English please?
VastaaPoistaYou have a lovely blog page and lovely paintings, most interesting to see the work in progress.
Thank you for added to my supporters.
VastaaPoistaI really like your paintings, I love painting and in time I'll look around in museums.
Thanks for visiting and see you soon!
Best wishes from Italy.
Sorry, but I did the translation with Google.
very nice pictures, and beautiful painting! -I like your landscapes- you have a good blog, I'll follow you with pleasure... Bye Mahon
Olet maalannut tosi upeita merimaisemia.
VastaaPoistaOn varmaan haasteellista oppia jäljentämään meren kuohuja kankaalle ja kun sitten onnistuu niin mahtaa se olla upea tunne.
Toivotan antoisia maalaushetkiä Sinulle!
What beautiful, beautiful paintings! I also love the winter landscape.. the clean cool light and the quiet of the season. Wonderful work!
VastaaPoistaThese landscapes are very beautiful. The waves
VastaaPoistawashing the stones...
Thank you for following!
Che bello il tuo paese, mi piacerebbe tanto visitarlo, chissà...
VastaaPoistaGrazie di farmelo conoscere con le tue belle foto.
Hi Markku, thank you for signing up on my photo blog! This way I get to visit your's too ;-)
VastaaPoistaYou have some very nice photographs here and your paintings are awesome.
You live in a very beautiful place!
congratulations for your wonderful blog!!!Your pictures and paintings are so nice ...i enjoyed them very much...over all the colours you used ...fantastic!!!have a nice day from Tuscany(Italy)
VastaaPoistaMany thanks for all of your comments.
VastaaPoistaKiitokset suloensiolle. Merimaalaus on haastava aihe, saada maalaukseen tunne mukaan. Niin ettei meri näyttäisi valokuvalta vaan maalaukselta.
Yritän saada uusiakin merimaalauksia näytille joten poikkea joskus tänne katsomaan.
These are my favorites of what I have seen so far! So beautiful.
VastaaPoistaBarb Jensen -Thank you very much for you. Thank you for encouraging artists to continue his work.